Wetlands Outcome:Logic & Action Plan
Chesapeake Bay Program partners have committed to taking a series of specific actions to support the management approaches guiding this outcome. These actions directly address the factors that could impact our progress. More information about performance targets and participating partners can be found in the complete Logic & Action Plan.
Download Logic & Action Plan (.pdf)Completed Actions
- Launched Wetlands Work website to accelerate wetland restoration on private lands in the watershed by educating landowners about the benefits of wetlands and the incentives of wetland restoration. It also features a collection of restoration success stories and a search function that connects private landowners with funding programs and wetland planners in their area.
Released a report on work to identify barriers to wetland restoration among agricultural landowners. Information collected through surveys and focus groups with landowners in South Central Pennsylvania and Maryland’s Eastern Shore showed that barriers to wetland program adoption exist in five categories: a lack of awareness, concerns for privacy, financial uncertainty, a desire for flexibility and an audience that is difficult to reach.